Podcasting 101

S5E2 Rob Greenlee-How Any Podcaster Can Monetize



Rob Greenlee, host of Spreaker Live and New Media Show as well as being Head of Partnerships over at Voxnest stops by to talk about what exactly Voxnest is and what the company can do for us podcasters! I know a lot of podcasters are interested in "monetization" and this might be an answer to your prayers. They have an interesting platform. It's built with the everyday podcaster in mind, and it doesn't sound like it's a difficult process as far as the "Ad Insertion" part goes. Rob shares with us his knowledge from both his years in radio and the decade plus he's also put into the world of podcasting. Lot's of valuable information here folks. Not to mention, he's just got a great voice! Make sure you're taking notes! Another great guest for Podcasting 101!