Moving Well Podcast

Ep 08: How to Effectively Train Your Core with a Diastasis Recti



In this episode, Janet, Nikki & Rebecca discuss the ins and outs of diastasis recti or the separation of the abdominal wall that is often associated with pregnancy, but can occur as a result of other things. They cover: The clinical definition of a diastasis recti Causes of a diastasis recti How to identify a diastasis recti How to reduce your risks of getting a diastasis recti during preganncy The most effective ways to do core training to reduce a diastasis recti What you shouldn't do if you have a diastasis recti How to do core training if you've had mesh put in or a surgical procedure to correct a diastasis recti Also covered in this episode is the topic of waist trainers and corsets and if there are any physical benefits to using them as well as the difference between a medically recommended corset and one that is used for cosmetic purposes.