Moving Well Podcast

Ep 42: Andrea Claassen | Ayureveda for better health and fitness.



In this episode, Janet and Nikki talk with personal trainer and Ayurvedic practitioner Andrea Claassen about how to use Ayureveda to enhance health and fitness.   They cover:  What Ayureveda is and how it’s more than just a physical yoga practice The three types doshas How to identify your personal dosha(s) and how to know if your dosha is in balance Simple ways to apply Ayurvedic principles to your life, even if you’re new to it (e.g. determining how to time meals, when to go to bed, ect) How to use Ayurveda to practice mindfulness and to listen to your body How to adjust Ayurvedic concepts to meet you where you’re at if the recommendations are overwhelming or don’t feel achievable Links mentioned:  Quiz from Eat Feel Fresh to identify your dosha for your mind and body Listen to the Peaceful Power Podcast About Andrea: Andrea Claassen is a certified personal trainer, 200 hour registered yoga instructor and mindset shifter.  Her mission is to help women learn to lift heavy, incorporate yoga, and find th