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Confident LinkedIn: Why your CV and LinkedIn profile must tally



  Would someone who decides to search for you on LinkedIn, having read your CV, be able to quickly identify your profile from the search results? Once they have clicked through, would they be clear and confident that the profile relates to one and the same person presented by the CV?   Not sure? Log out of your LinkedIn account and conduct a search for your name, as presented on your CV. If the above rings true, I’d recommend that you address the issue. This week's podcast outlines why.     If you are keen to optimise your LinkedIn profile, and use the platform to your advantage, then why not order LinkedIn Explained? This easy-to-follow eBook guide shares proven strategies and tips to help you build a strong presence on LinkedIn, supporting your professional credibility and career goals. Whether you intend to use LinkedIn to search for a new job, would like offers to come to you, or would like to build and maintain your network; this book will help. Buy now for $14 (about £9 plus VAT), and pay in the cu