World Wide Technology - Tec17

Zero Trust Architecture



Zero Trust architecture is the nirvana of enterprise segmentation.  With the current state of cybersecurity and advanced threats that exist today, security teams want this approach.  In today’s episode of World Wide Technology’s TEC17, experts Aaron Woland of Cisco and Kent Noyes of WWT discuss this ultimate approach to cybersecurity threats.  Aaron and Kent discuss what Zero Trust is, how it helps business organizations, why it is a journey worth moving toward, what are some common applications for Zero Trust architecture and the solutions that Cisco and WWT can provide to businesses to advance on the journey toward the ultimate goal of Zero Trust. Forrester Zero Trust Extended Report Jericho Form Commandments NIST Zero Trust Report AppSec is Eating Security - Alex Stamos Keynote Cisco Zero Trust - A Holistic Approach 5 Steps to Building a Zero Trust Security Model WWT Enterprise Segmentation Practice Cisco Zero Trust Security Practice