World Wide Technology - Tec17

AIOps Part 2: IT Operations Paradox: How to do more with less



Today, Ops teams face increasingly complex operational environments while simultaneously dealing with reductions in time, budgets, resources and team sizes. How can organisations cope with this paradox and successfully do more with less? In the second episode in our four-part podcast series on AIOps, Jas Binning from WWT, Kingsley Hughes-Morgan from Cisco AppDynamics and Aseem Anwar from Turbonomic explore how AIOps tools can be used to alleviate the difficulty of managing increasingly complex environments with reduced ops resources. For more information about anything we’ve discussed, please visit or reach out to Jas Binning or Paul Robinson if you have specific questions about how AIOps can support your business. Getting Started with AIOps Defeating the Loading Wheel, Is APM Enough to Keep Your Customers Happy WWT is Taking AppDynamics From the War Room to the Board Room WWT + AppDynamics:  Better Together Turbonomic Lab WWT & AIOps Jas Binning, WWT Paul Robinson, WWT