World Wide Technology - Tec17

Achieving Success in a Multicloud Environment



Moving into a Multicloud environment is a big challenge for organizations.  A lot of factors must be considered.  In this episode of World Wide Technology’s (WWT) TEC17 series, WWT Multicloud practice team consultants Kevin McCarthy and Bryan Seefeld discuss the transition to Multicloud and key considerations about this migration.  Kevin and Bryan first define Multicloud, and then discuss how public and private cloud differ from Multicloud, misconceptions about moving to Multicloud, key considerations when first moving to a Multicloud environment and several use cases on this move. WWT Multicloud Consulting How to Achieve a Successful Cloud Smart Strategy Five Common Misconceptions About the Cloud The Value of the Cloud:  Why You Should Migrate Today Multicloud Briefing Kevin McCarthy, WWT Bryan Seefeld, WWT