Publish Position Profit With John Tighe

From Homeless to Making $10,000 a Month Online in 28 Days | Mark Anastasi | Episode 47



How do you go from a standing start to making $10,000 a month online in just 28 days?More to the point, how would you do that if you were starting out homeless like my guest today did?How would you then go on to make £30,000 with your very first seminar with no overheads?And how would you step all this up to create a multi-million dollar online business empire?That’s what we’re going to talk about with today’s truly amazing guest Mark Anastasi.Mark Anastasi is a very successful Internet entrepreneur, but it wasn’t always that way. In 2004, he was a broke, unemployed, and homeless former security guard until, following a chance encounter at a seminar, he set up his first Internet business and went from zero to making $10,000 a month in just 28 days. Since then he’s founded the Inspired Marketing Group, which has organised many successful events such as The Traffic Generation Summit, The Millionaire Bootcamp for Women, and The Passive Income Summit, and he has trained over 16,000 entrepreneurs around the world