Rewild Yourself

Using Entheogens to Free Our Minds from Cultural Conditioning - Nora Gedgaudas #22



I'm thrilled to have Nora Gedgaudas — author of the international best-selling book, Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life — back on ReWild Yourself! podcast to talk entheogens. Episode Breakdown: * Traditional native entheogen use * Holotropic Breathwork * Recreational experience vs meaningful spiritual experience * We have an interconnected network of specific receptors that seem to illicit different types of consciousness * Entheogen help for PTSD * What does the future of shamanism look like? * Controlling drug use is controlling consciousness * Entheogen use can give you the state change that “stuff” cannot  * Legality of entheogens * Effects of marijuana use on the brain * Psychedelics help de-condition us from our cultural values * Let medicine be thy food