Rewild Yourself

Developing Our Grief Intelligence - Darcy Harris, PhD #40



Dr. Darcy Harris is an expert on the grieving process, and in this interview, she explains how to be present in your own personal grief, as well as with someone who is grieving. Most of us have experienced grief in one way or another in our lives, and Darcy's therapeutic words can help us to understand how to embrace it and even allow it to deepen our experience in life. Episode Breakdown: * The grief process * What is thanatology? * Recognition of mourning * Implications of not directly interacting with death * Terror management theory * Speed dating for death * How to be with someone in grief * Planning for loss * Reproductive loss * Deepening our experiences through grief * Where Darcy draws inspiration * Grief and emoting * Misconceptions about the grieving process * Darcy gives you an assignment * The power of positive thinking doesn’t stop the fact that we die