Rewild Yourself

Marriage: The Way We Never Were - Stephanie Coontz #63



Couples in the Paleolithic world would never have fantasized about running off by themselves to their own little retreats in the forest. No Stone Age lovers would have imagined in their wildest dreams that they could or should be “everything” to each other. That way lay death. ― Stephanie Coontz, Marriage, a History: From Obedience to Intimacy Stephanie Coontz is a marriage historian and author of seven books on marriage and family life. In this podcast, she takes us on a tour through the evolution of marriage and intimacy throughout human history. We discuss everything from egalitarianism to “the one” to polyamory vs. monogamy. This show is enlightening and adds another piece to the puzzle as we continue to dissect the mating styles of the human animal, here on the ReWild Yourself! podcast. Episode Breakdown: * The way we never were * Are we hardwired for egalitarianism? * The quest for in-laws * Marrying for love * The soulmate fantasy * Individual needs