Rewild Yourself

How To Feed Your Human, Part 2 - Arthur Haines #77



How many plant species do you eat on a daily, seasonal or yearly basis? Before you answer that question, consider this: broccoli = kale = kohlrabi = cauliflower = cabbage = brussels sprouts = collard greens. They’re all variations of the same plant species, Brassica oleracea! The average American is eating far fewer plant species (roughly 30 a year!) compared to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. In this podcast episode, you’ll learn the importance of diet biodiversity and how it can affect your day-to-day functioning and, ultimately, your genetic expression. Arthur Haines is back on the show for the second installment in the How To Feed Your Human series! As a professional botanist, Arthur’s knowledge of the plant world is immense, and so we get into some pretty fascinating material, including wild foods, diet biodiversity, seasonal eating, anti-nutrients and much, much more. In part one, we talked animal foods, and you can listen to that episode here. Enjoy, and stay tuned for the next installment