Rewild Yourself

Successful Self-Dentistry - Nadine Artemis #87



Nadine Artemis — creator of Living Libations & author of Holistic Dental Care: The Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gum — is on the show today to discuss the components of a successful self-dentistry practice. Our teeth and gums are alive and capable of being rejuvenated, often without the intervention of conventional dentistry. In this interview, Nadine clears up many common myths about our teeth and dental environment and details how we can holistically care for our teeth through diet and her 8 Step Self-Dentistry protocol. EPISODE BREAKDOWN: Catching up Nadine’s personal health journey Our teeth are like trees Teeth and gums can be rejuvenated Mouthwashes that de-forest the flora inside our mouths Restoring the mouth’s micro biome Ingredients to avoid in dental care products Foods to nourish our dental environment Stop, seal and seed Nadine’s 8 Step Self-Dentistry program Confronting your current dental situation Nadine’s prognosis for the future of the human species