Rewild Yourself

Building Better Vision - Jake Steiner #96



Jake Steiner — holistic eye guru & natural vision health advocate — learned how to naturally improve his -5D myopia and, in the past decade, has helped thousands of others get their healthy eyes back too. In this episode, Jake is here to give us the lowdown on myopia and how it isn’t actually a disease at all, but instead a contrived illness created by mainstream optometry. The cause of most nearsightedness is (surprise!) staring at screens, small text and the like for extended periods of time. You may be surprised to learn, however — especially those of you with eyesight issues — that myopia can be reversed. This interview is full of insights, tips and strategies on how you can do just that. Tune in to learn Jake’s unique, holistic approach to healing eyesight! EPISODE BREAKDOWN: Jake’s story and how he learned to beat his -5D myopia What is myopia? Lens-induced myopia Learned helplessness Habit changes to improve your vision Outdoor vs indoor lighting Challenging your eyes to improve your eyesight Two