Rewild Yourself

Self-care, A Woman's Guide - Nadine Artemis #124



Nadine Artemis is a trailblazer in the new paradigm of women’s self care, and in this interview, she lays out her favorite practices to nurture the female body. Nadine is the founder of Living Libations — an exquisite line of lotions, potions, scents, creams and essential oils that I use personally — and a regular guest on ReWild Yourself podcast. In our past two interviews, Nadine has detailed her Stop, Seal and Seed method for dental care and skin care, and in this episode, she shares how women can apply this method to vaginal care. We learn what conventional female body care products and practices to avoid and Nadine’s favorite natural alternatives. We also discuss breast health and care, and Nadine reveals some fascinating information on breast cancer that is important for every woman to explore. Nadine’s nourishing self care practices are simple, low maintenance and accessible to all. Ladies (and the men who love them), I hope you enjoy this interview! EPISODE BREAKDOWN: Daniel shares: ReWild Yourself