Rewild Yourself

MovNat, How to Get Involved Now — Danny Clark #148



I’m often asked for advice on career opportunities in the world of ReWilding. Many people feel stuck in the rut of a 9-5 and dream of doing work in the world that’s fulfilling, meaningful, adds value to the lives of others and is in line with their personal beliefs and values. I’ve spent over a decade setting up a lifestyle where work and play blend seamlessly. It is a beautiful thing to wake up each day and do work that fuels you with passion, drive and purpose. I’ve seen health and wellness “trends” come and go over the years, and I’ve found the ones that stand the test of time are those rooted in our ancestral biology. Natural movement is one such niche of the ReWilding lifestyle, and today’s episode instructs on how you can get involved with natural movement as a career path. Danny Clark — MovNat Performance Director and Master Instructor —  is here to share a bit about the MovNat Trainer Certification program with us. MovNat is more than a system of natural movements, it is a training platform for enhanc