The Trainingbeta Podcast | A Rock Climbing Podcast

TBP 022: Bill Ramsey on Sending 14b at Age 54



Date: May 27th, 2015 About Bill Ramsey   Bill Ramsey is a legend among climbers, having put up classic first ascents in the Red River Gorge years ago such as Omaha Beach (14a), Golden Boy (13b), and many others. He's 55 years old and he just sent his 3-year project at the Cathedral near St. George, UT, called "Golden for A Moment" (5.14b).  5.14b is about as hard as Bill has ever climbed, even in his 20's and 30's, so with such a huge accomplishment under his belt, I wanted to ask him some questions.   What We Talked About staying motivated after 100's of attempts his 14-hour training days whether his training style has changed as he gets older how he climbs and trains as a full-time philosophy professor at UNLV how he eats for training and loses weight for sending "The Pain Box" - his article on suffering and climbing learning from the failures Links We Mentioned Bill's "The Day I Sent Golden" post on Bill's "Pain Box" Article: PDF  Training Programs for You Check out the new Route Clim