The Trainingbeta Podcast | A Rock Climbing Podcast

TBP 023 :: Arno Ilgner on Overcoming Fear and Ego in Climbing



About Arno Ilgner Arno Ilgner is known in the climbing community for his work helping people overcoming fears and be overall mentally stronger. He began climbing and quickly realized that the mental aspect of it was paramount to sending hard climbs. So he started studying up, and resonated with the Warrior's Way philosophy he found in the Carlo Castaneda books about Don Juan. He started applying those tenets to climbing, and soon had an entire program built upon them. He now has books, clinics, and a dense blog devoted to helping you find peace, strength, and bravery in your climbing. I was honored to interview Arno Ilgner and really delve in to how he changes people's perceptions and fears in climbing. What We Talked About Overcoming fear of falling How to stay present and not psych ourselves out on climbs Overcoming fear of failing (and fear of succeeding) How to deal with our big egos getting in the way Exactly how he trains people in his clinics Links We Mentioned Arno's website: Train