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Startup Podcast Host Mike Chen Show 004



Startup Podcast Host Mike Chen Show 004 Go and Grow Your Business Help Advice Resources   IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Startups Smarter, Startup podcast host, Go and Grow Business Advice Help Resources. My guest on today's show is a startup podcast host and he is the Founder of the Go and Grow Podcast, where he speaks with entrepreneurs and industry leaders to learn how they launch and grow products and companies. Our guest has also launched and grown a few products and companies and he tells us that he really enjoys it. I think that's why we both like discussing business with similar people and learn how they’ve also done it. Listenup to hear more about what this podcast is all about, why I really enjoyed interviewing our guest, and how he answered each question. In addition, to Go and Grow our guest is actually working on a few other things: He is also co-founder of other companies, which is a real-time, location-based message board where you can share and discover the most relevant conten