Listen Up Show - Mitchell Chadrow Talks With Startups, Entrepreneurs And Businesses

Medical Apparel Startup Vibrating Therapeutic Apparel CEO Founder Wear VTA Amira Idris Show 016



The post-Medical Apparel Startup Vibrating Therapeutic Apparel CEO Founder Wear VTA Amira Idris Show 016 was republished on What we learn in this show: Our guest, Amira Idris, is CEO and Founder of Vibrating Therapeutic Apparel (VTA) that integrates wearable technology with vibration therapy. The patent pending technology is being used to create a line of therapeutic apparels that improve blood/fluid circulation and tissue activity in the body.  This patent pending technology is a wearable therapeutic product that uses vibration technology to improve performance, health, and quality of life. The Vibrosleeve is a device that helps amputees to keep their limbs healthy through massage that increases tissue activity, blood and fluid flow. Amira tells us that she is a tinkerer at heart who is constantly seeking ways to improve on products that she interacts with daily. She observes her environment to search for unmet needs, and she also enjoys the user-centered research that serves those needs. He