Listen Up Show - Mitchell Chadrow Talks With Startups, Entrepreneurs And Businesses

Two Young NonProfit Leaders, Sobel & Rojas, Co-Founders, Lazarus Rising, Solutions For Combating Homelessness Show 020 - Startup Entrepreneur Listenup Show I Learn how to balance business, family and life.



Young Nonprofit Leaders Sobel & Rojas What we will discuss:   Starting a Non-Profit and structuring the organizations. Mission and Purpose of Lazarus Rising. Creating a Volunteer College Network of Students. Challenges faced by the organizations. Building up resumes for start up profit v homeless and at risk individuals for non profits. Power of bootstrapping. Outside Read More ... The post Two Young NonProfit Leaders, Sobel & Rojas, Co-Founders, Lazarus Rising, Solutions For Combating Homelessness Show 020 appeared first on Startup Entrepreneur Listenup Show.