Listen Up Show - Mitchell Chadrow Talks With Startups, Entrepreneurs And Businesses

Augmented and Virtual Reality Technology Online Shopping vFit Show 029 - Startup Entrepreneur Listenup Show I Learn how to balance business, family and life.



How to startup.  Process and steps to becoming an entrepreneur. The vision for vFit. Founders background, the role of team and coming together. I speak with Savanna Leavitt, Co-Founder, and her other four Co-Founders of vFit an online shopping technology for shoppers.  Savanna is a student enrolled in the Biomedical Engineering program at Drexel University with a focus on Biomechanics and Human Performance. She was raised in a very rural area of Maine.  Savannah’s mother is entrepreneurial and runs her very own beauty salon with a line of makeup she has branded, Savannah learned a great deal about entrepreneurship and being passionate about what you do from her mom. Savannah has always been intrigued by the sciences and how things worked and she found her interested in a medical degree at a young age, that’s when she discovered biomedical engineering and as they say she was hooked. Since beginning at Drexel, her interest grows in her major. She feels blessed to have been given the opportunity to work with thi