Listen Up Show - Mitchell Chadrow Talks With Startups, Entrepreneurs And Businesses

Healthcare Wearable Technology Solutions Asthma Management Nick Delmonico Strados Labs Show 031



Nick is developing a smart asthma management patent pending technology.  He currently is getting a Masters of Business Administration in Healthcare at the Fox School of Business and Management Temple University. What we will discuss on today’s show:   Nick is developing a smart asthma management patent pending technology. He is currently getting a Masters of Business Administration in Healthcare at the Fox School of Business and Management Temple University. We talk to Nick about his personal story, background and what he is doing to help people. He also tells us why he got into the business of asthma management. Our in-depth interview also touched on sales and distribution channels and the strategy for building it out in the future and raising money, pivoting from the initial design, how to commercialization and various go to market strategies. For Nick, it’s about solving problems not just coming up with a rockstar idea. As a child asthma impacted Nick sending him to the nurse’s office and to the hospital.