Sacramento Metro Church Of Christ

A Walk With God



This Sunday, 4 September 2016, Gary Simmons of the Central Valley Church of Christ preached to us during our minister swap Sunday. Gary's sermon is entitled A Walk With God where he simply encouraged us to not to forget to walk with God and not get caught up in the things that can pull us away from God such as the responsibilities of life, life's issues, even church stuff and especially getting stuck in the trap of being distracted by what the words mean in the bible more so than allowing the bible to lead us to the real priority of having a relationship with God, walking WITH God and becoming like Jesus. Gary insists that there is a place for getting to the root of the scriptures and studying out the bible to it's intricate details about words and meanings, but it pales in comparison to the depths and intimacy of the relationship God so desperately pursues us for. We love the simplicity Gary as about to direct our faith in as he leaves us with four action steps to walk with God: 1. Make a decision to go on a