Beyond The Walls

The Voynich Manuscript - History & Origin



Naked women in pools of green liquid, strange looking plants, and text written in an unknown alphabet; they can all be found on the delicate parchment pages of a mysterious manuscript from the 15th century. And nobody knows what any of it means. Frayed, browned and in fragile condition, the Voynich manuscript currently resides deep in a basement at Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library but digitized copies of it are available for free online. (Find a pdf copy in its entirety and all the pics that were promised here) Since it came to light over 100 years ago, many have tried and failed to decode the text -- from US Army cryptographers to ordinary citizens postulating theories in the deepest corners of Reddit. Its author and original title are unknown, and it is named for the collector and bookseller Wilfrid Voynich, who purchased it in 1912... Welcome to "The Voynich Manuscript." Please take some time and visit our sponsors: The Commercial Bank of Grayson McFarland Murray Chevrolet --