Beyond The Walls

Technological Advancements



The what, why, when are all questions that can be debated about the beginning of the Cold War. In this episode we take a look at what, we believe, to be one of the critical launching points of this "not hot, but warm" conflict as we consider what might be the first arms race of this era. In this introduction, we present to you 10 of the most influential technological advancements that WW1 brought to the world stage. This list is by no means exhaustive, and you will probably have points where you disagree with this, but that's okay. After all, the WW1 era may have possibly been the era where technology was making one of its biggest steps forward. Our main research source for this series is the book, "The Cold War: A New History" by John Lewis Gaddis. Purchase his book from Amazon from the link on the books title. For additional resource reference sites, please email us at  Follow us on Twitter @walls_beyond, on Facebook & Instagram by searching "Beyond The Walls Podcast." -