Beyond The Walls

The Iron Curtain



After two once in a lifetime kind of wars that changed the landscape of the world in the span of 30 years, it was not just the soldiers that wanted the fighting to stop. Outlooks, beliefs, practices, faith, loyalty, and security, just to name a few of the things that had been changed as a result of these conflicts.  And this wasn’t just in the general population, this was a time when the world saw a changing of the guard so to speak in the way of diplomacy. Foreign relations and overall trust also changed; to the point that the allied countries in WW2 were at a preverbal global risk board in a dimly lit corner of the room long before the war had even ended. This was a time that, even as world leaders were meeting with each other as allies speaking strategy out of one side of their mouth, they were, on the other side making “backroom” deals and maneuvers to make sure that they came out on top not only of the ones they were fighting against, but also the ones they were fighting alongside. There maybe no better