Enjoy The Journey- The Aureus Financial Podcast

The Simple Strategy - How To Turn Your Business Profits Into Personal Wealth 3X04



Most entrepreneurs fall into one of two traps when it comes to wealth creation. They either focus too much on doubling down on their business or they take excessive risks in their wealth strategy that causes them to come unstuck and lose years, if not decades in pursuit of financial freedom. In this podcast I talk about my own first hand experiences in both camps. I cover how I developed a simple investment operating system that has allowed me to focus on my business but automate my wealth creation and how I have done this for thousands of clients around the world. P.S Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you create more cash-flow, more wealth and more time: 1. Get the 60 minute crash course In our FREE Facebook Community we have an on-ramp program that will help you map out your goals, review your foundations, get some quick runs on the board and get you excited again about your life and business. If you want to learn more, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/thewealthmentorcommunity/ 2. Jo