Enjoy The Journey- The Aureus Financial Podcast

Turning Your Marketing Funnel Into A Profit Making Machine- Tim Hyde From Win More Clients 3x11



The world of marketing as a small business owner is often confronting and many of us have been burned (I certainly know I have). Where most marketing consultants are just selling lead generation, very few talk about the importance of nurturing your prospects and building a relationship over time until they are ready to buy. Tim from Win More Clients shares some great insights around his journey into the marketing world and how he has been able to help his clients successfully attract, convert and retain more ideal clients through marketing automation. If you want to get in touch with Tim, you can connect with him via his website https://winmoreclients.com.au/ P.S Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you create more cash-flow, more wealth and more time: 1. Get the 60 minute crash course In our FREE Facebook Community we have an on-ramp program that will help you map out your goals, review your foundations, get some quick runs on the board and get you excited again about your life and business. If