Enjoy The Journey- The Aureus Financial Podcast

The Tech Stack We Have Used To Scale A Multi 7 Figure Business (Recorded from my new Apple Watch) 3x12



Technology is an inevitable part of growing a successful and scalable business. We either choose to adopt and embrace technology or we face the consequences. In this podcast I cover the journey we have had when leveraging the power of technology in Aureus Financial which has allowed us to go from starting in Sam’s mother in law’s spare bedroom to scaling a team of 24 that spans 3 continents and serves over 400 clients.   I discuss the lessons we have learned, the people who have helped us implement the right solutions and the impact our tech stack has had in allowing all of our team to work from anywhere in the world.   This entire episode has been recorded from my New Apple Watch as I thought it was fitting for the subject matter (it doesn’t sound half bad right?) P.S Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you create more cash-flow, more wealth and more time: 1. Get the 60 minute crash course In our FREE Facebook Community we have an on-ramp program that will help you map out your goals, review y