Brilliant Business Moms With Beth Anne Schwamberger

162: Do You Ever Feel Like Giving Up?



Hundreds of you answered our community survey (thank you!) and over the next several months we’ll be using that information to bring you the content you said you need from us. Seriously, I wish I could call everyone who responded and give you a business coaching session, a pep-talk, or a long distance hug! Since that’s not exactly practical, my team and I will do the next best thing. The next several solo episodes we release will my very raw and real answers to questions that came in through the survey. These podcast episodes are just one of the many ways we’ve got planned to use this survey to bring you actionable information. One of our favorite questions we asked you was, “If you could ask Beth Anne anything, what would it be?” And an interesting, often repeated reply was this cut-to-the-chase one, “Do you ever feel like giving up?” My honest answer? YES. Listen Now   To be even more honest, I'll tell you that it’s not a feeling that ever goes away. There are certainly moments where I think maybe all the