Brilliant Business Moms With Beth Anne Schwamberger

165: Recapturing Self and Business with Beryl Young



Beryl Young is the founder of an online community for deeply feeling, giving moms called Recapture Self. Ready to reclaim their identity beyond storyteller, snack maker, and boo-boo kisser. (I love that!) She offers photography classes, both in-person and online, and has a fabulous community that helps moms capture everyday moments and make creativity part of their lives. Listen Now 1:07 - Beryl’s Sad-But-Important Start to Photography Like many moms, Beryl didn’t set out to start a business. Her story has a sad beginning, but we hope you will be able to listen because it’s a very important part. (Beryl's story includes infant loss.) In 2009 joined a 365 Project challenge with her friend. 365 Project is a visual photo diary, which challenges participants to take a photo every day for an entire year. Beryl quickly began learning from the community of other 365ers on Flickr. Around the same time, Beryl and her husband were talking about planning a family and one thing she knew she wanted was amazing pictures of