Brilliant Business Moms With Beth Anne Schwamberger

166: How to Use Facebook Ads as an Etsy Seller



Have you written off Facebook or Instagram ads as “just not for you”? I want to encourage you to take a look at ads with fresh eyes this month as we explore how many different types of Mamapreneurs are using them to build their businesses. You’ll hear from Etsy sellers, designers and membership site owners, bloggers and eBook writers, and course creators. All of them are scrappy Mamapreneurs working with tight budgets - just like you! And all of them are finding success with Facebook and Instagram ads. On this episode, we’ll hear from Melissa Kaiserman, who’s using Facebook and Instagram ads to bring in more sales for her Handmade Cash Envelope Organizers. Melissa sells an affordably-priced product, and she’s able to bring in brand new people to her shop and make profitable sales. Press play on the podcast player below to learn how you can make sales using ads too! Listen Now If you've been around Brilliant Business Moms for long, you probably know Melissa Kaiserman. She’s basically an honorary team member o