Brilliant Business Moms With Beth Anne Schwamberger

168: How to Create a Killer Video Ad on a Budget



Shalene Massie is the founder of Rhythm of Birth and Postpartum Journey. She is a doula as well as a birth and postpartum educator. And, she personally gave me fabulous tips for my own delivery and postpartum time surrounding the birth of my baby boy! Today we’ll be chatting about how she grew her online business using Facebook ads. Listen Now 00:45 - A Passion is Born   Shalene got started in the birth world when she was living in South Sudan, Africa with her family. She found out she was pregnant and thought, “You know, so many women give birth without the option of medical care. I want to experience birth in a primitive culture.” When she came back to the States, she knew she wanted to hire a doula to assist in her birth. Living in a new culture also made Shalene want to learn as much about birth as she could. She knew she might be called on if someone was in labor - in South Sudan, it’s all hands on deck - and wanted to be as prepared as possible. Unfortunately, she, her husband, and daughter had to evacu