Brilliant Business Moms With Beth Anne Schwamberger

177: Working in the Margins + Making More per Hour with Freelancing



  Today on the show we have a very special business mom and friend, Courtney Westlake. We’ve actually gotten the chance to meet and hang out in person, which was super fun! I met her sweet family and she met Holden; we just had a great time together!   Courtney has been blogging since 2011 at She shares a lot about her story of being Mom to Brenna, who has a very rare skin condition and special need.   Courtney is a blogger, published author, and now a very successful freelancer. I know you’ll learn a lot from hearing her story!   1:15 - Courtney’s Unexpected Beginnings As a Blogger   The majority of people will know of Courtney via her blog, which she began to document her daughter Brenna’s birth and early days in late 2011. Her daughter was born with a rare skin condition and accompanying special needs. (You can watch Courtney’s family story here...major tissue warning!) She originally started her blog to update family and friends, but the circle of readers quickly grew. The more Cour