Brilliant Business Moms With Beth Anne Schwamberger

180: 4 Brilliant Ideas for Making Christmas Meaningful + Simple



I’m super excited for this special holiday episode! I invited my team member Carlee on the show to talk about her family’s holiday traditions. What I love about Carlee’s unique take on holidays is how refreshingly simple it is. By keeping Christmas others-focused rather than stuff and events-focused, Carlee and her family get to serve others, make a lot of great memories together, and kiss overwhelm goodbye in the process. Press play to hear from Carlee!    If you’re like me and you don’t love the “gimme focus” the holidays can bring, you can decide to change that focus in your home! The way to start is by making a list of what matters most to you that holiday season. Believe it or not, we don’t buy our kids a lot of presents. But before you think our real last name is Scrooge, hang with me! I’ll explain what we do instead. When our family made this list of what mattered most to us during the holidays, making great memories within our little family made the top of the list, along with finding ways to bless o