Brilliant Business Moms With Beth Anne Schwamberger

212: 7 Changes That Transformed My Online Course and Got My Students Better Results



Are you an online course creator? Is your program financially sustainable? Are you suffering from stress and burnout?  A few years ago I walked away from my course, FB Brilliance, because it was no longer profitable and I was completely burnt out.    My passion for Facebook Ads is so strong though that I couldn’t stay away.  I took a long, hard look at the problems with my course. I made A LOT of changes to my program and now the Facebook Ads Intensive is a financially sustainable program that I enjoy teaching. I am helping my students more than ever and I am sharing my passion for Facebook Ads with the world again!   I dive deep into the problems a lot of course creators face and the changes that I made. I hope you'll get a lot of insight from this episode as I dig in and explore how I found my way back to teaching my passion after throwing in the towel.  If you haven’t started a course yet because you’ve been deterred by the burnout you’ve seen in others, I hope you will find encouragement here to go ahead