Hungry Cliff Podcast

93: Hungry Cliff Podcast 93



J.J. AbrHaamms, Rian "Gibraltar" Johnson, and Colin Rexorrow. This week, the Hungry Cliff team chats about theme parks, Pringles, and classic vocal stylings. Find out how many Star Wars characters we can name after somebody (who will not be named here) suggests that Harry Potter has a more detailed cinematic universe. Maybe it's true– how will Disney manage to create a fully-realized Star Wars attraction then? Finally, title notwithstanding, Tony takes over the Village Idiom this week! There's been an accident at the factory!? Tune in this week to learn the answers to a lot of questions you didn't want to ask and maybe that one question you asked a month ago and forgot about... all on this episode of the Hungry Cliff podcast!   Links: Nacho Cheese Pringles Marvin Gaye Freddie Mercury Star Wars Land Toy Story Playland   Don't forget you can support Hungry Cliff by going to our Shop at the top of our page or by using our Amazon and iTunes Search Boxes on our site. Also, Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter