Maps Podcast

Episode 1 - James Fadiman, Scientific Problem Solving with Psychedelics



Scientific Problem Solving with Psychedelics James will describe how to best use psychoactive materials for enhanced problem solving, a poorly understood and under-researched area. However, there are established methods that open minds to useful solutions for real problems. He will share his personal experience as part of a group that established the basic guidelines: set and setting, substance and dosage, as well as whatever else was necessary to effectively dissolve barriers to solving hard science problems. James Fadiman, PhD completed his dissertation at Stanford on the effectiveness of LSD-assisted therapy just as all research was shut down. During the subsequent 40-year lull, he has held a variety of teaching, consulting, training, counseling, and editorial positions. He has taught in psychology departments and design engineering, and for the past three decades at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now Sofia University) that he co-founded. He has published textbooks, professional books, a self-h