Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep21 NO FEAR! #DreamBig



What is holding you back from accomplishing your dreams? Fear? Some of you even have fear of dreaming! “If I dream it I might just want it so bad that I would have to take actions….ooh no I don’t want to do that!” In this episode I share strategies to live a life without FEAR!  You know what the difference is between the most successful people in the world and the ones who just wish they were successful? The successful people are not smarter, not gifted, don’t put their pants on 2 legs at a time. They understand their abilities and push the limits of their abilities by pushing fear aside and take ACTION to accomplish what they want in life! Exercise: What if you could pass through a door and everything behind you dissolved as you pass into a new world. There would be no consequence to your previous actions! What would you try that you currently aren’t trying? Obviously there are consequences in life but if you allow yourself to try this exercise you might imagine or dream of things bigger than you are cu