Coach Glass Podcast

CGP EP65 Chris Davie Edmonton Oilers ATC



Chris Davie is an NHL Athletic Therapist with the Edmonton Oilers Hockey Club. Chis has a unique blend of skills that allows him to enhance his player’s performance and take them from the treatments table, training room and finally to the ice for technical biomechanics coaching.  Chris has worked on some of the greatest hockey players of our generation but says some of his greatest learning experiences have come from his patients in his private clinic. Movement is movement and you need to see a ton of different types of movement strategies to truly understand the idiosyncrasies in your athletes. We discuss how to work with a performance team and make the transitions from specialist to specialist seamless. How the job of the athletic therapist has evolved over the last decade and now involves so much more than the work on the treatment table. Chris devours certifications, text books and anything he can get his hands on to enhance his skill set and get the most out of his players. I hope you all enjoy this epis