Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep69 #YOJAY Three



Bonus! The #YoJay questions are flooding in so its time to drop some more #YOJAY episodes Q: Best time to schedule workouts for college athletes? @erin_thorne @wingate_wgolf I share my stories of training in the collegiate environment and gassing the golf team after a poorly timed visit to a fast food establishment.  Q: Confusing results after testing the external range of motion of the shoulder during a 90/90 test. Golf posture improved the ROM….How is this possible?  @eric_slack Assessing shoulder mobility and stability so you can properly prescribe corrective exercises.  Q: Mistaken identity call back! Classic @bchandla Q: Recovering from a bike accident and needs advice on how to return to the gym to train for golf. Need some adaptations so she can enjoy rotational power exercises without making her knee worse. Judy Deiwert #JudyJudyJudy If you have a question you want answered on a future #YOJAY episode please tweet, Facebook message or email me from the Next Level site. Visit our sponsors @performbetter