Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep90 Coaching Greatness



Coaching is an art. Like all forms of art there are people who dabble, have some success and then there are the GREATS! What makes a coach great? There are commonalities between all great coaches and this episode is all about those qualities! Every great coach has a set of rules, philosophies, tenants, or pillars that their coaching techniques are based on. This foundation cannot be moved, cracked or broken. Games are won, games are lost, players come and go but these fundamental coaching pillars remain intact!  The greats also attack the sport with passion, motivation and clear intent. There are a lot of coaches who know their stuff but the greats have a way of delivering the message at the right time, with the right intensity for the right person in a clear, concise message and easily digestible cues. Some were great athletes in their youth and learnt how to impart their greatness in others by sharing the path that they travelled to accomplish their own success. Others can’t so they teach! There are great c