Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep395 Decisions Minor or Major



Isn't it funny how we will lament over the small decisions in life and flippantly make huge choices without blinking an eye. You spend more time planning your wedding day than investigating whether the  person you are about to marry is worthy of sharing your special day. You read books and take pregnancy classes to prepare you for the day you give birth and wing it when it comes to parenting. The world would be a better place if you read an Idiots Guide to Parenting and decided whether you would be at the head with a towel or the tail with a catchers mitt on the delivery day! Same can be said about starting your DreamBIG or opening your new brand or business. You are so focussed on the launch and put little thought into what happens after the doors are open. What do you want it to look like 1,3 or 5 years after you open. Why did you start it and what do you want to get out of it? Where do you want it to go and how will it end? These are important questions that should come before deciding you want to have you