Clarity On Fire

Ghosting your job with Lana Jackson



Ever felt like you’re a ghost wandering the halls of your workplace? Sure, you’re physically there, but the REAL YOU is nowhere to be found. You’re mentally checked out, emotionally drained, and showing up as a watered-down, hollow version of yourself. In this month’s interview with a normal person, Kristen is chatting with Lana Jackson, who was all too familiar with that feeling. After years of feeling like a ghost of her real self, trapped by a boring, soul-sucking job, she decided it was time to get clear on what she *really* wanted out of her life and career. Now she’s a budding entrepreneur and personal stylist helping women express themselves from the inside out. She shares the whole journey with us, in this interview. On this episode we talk about: The heartache of feeling lost, directionless, and inauthentic The 3 questions Lana asked herself to figure out exactly what she wanted to do career-wise Lana’s advice for staying sane while balancing a full-time job and a side hustle Why making time for sil