Clarity On Fire

Side Chat: Curing your people-pleasing disease



As Samuel L. Jackson said in Jurassic Park: “Hold on to your butts.”  He was talking about dinosaurs, but honestly, we’re talking about something that a lot of people find equally as terrifying: How to let go of your compulsion to please everyone around you. In preparation for this episode we both read The Disease to Please by Harriet Braiker, PhD., and OH MAN, there is a lot to get into.  If you’re someone who feels impaired by the compulsion to put others’ needs first, to never say “no,” to strive endlessly for everyone’s approval, and to try to make everyone else happy, all while being as NICE as possible and avoiding conflict like it’s your job … strap yourself in and get ready to have your world rocked (in a GOOD WAY). On this episode we talk about: How to recognize ALL the signs of people-pleasing, even the ones you aren’t aware of Why people-pleasing is an addiction, and how you got the “disease” in the first place Why you struggle with saying “no,” being rejected, and feeling guilty 24/7 Why you’re s