Clarity On Fire

Breaking your phone addiction with Kristen Kalp



The first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem. And to be frank – We’ve got a problem. And we’re pretty sure you do, too. Did you know that one of the metrics that measures phone addiction is if you can go 5 or more hours without touching it? Can you even REMEMBER the last time you did that!? ‘Cuz we can’t. GULP. Did you know that the average person thinks they’re LESS addicted than everyone around them, even though the average person is actually touching their phone over 2,000 times a day? Yes, you read that right. TWO THOUSAND. So, to help break us of our phone addictions we sat down with Kristen Kalp, a poet, writer, coach, empath, introvert, and most importantly, person-who-has-somehow-managed-to-only-be-on-her-phone-for-an-hour-per-day. On this episode of the Clarity on Fire podcast we talk about: The uncomfortable facts and figures that prove that you, like pretty much everyone else you know (except maybe like, your 85-year-old grandparents) is addicted to your phone Why we compulsively rea