Clarity On Fire

Blog: Why you should get down with informational interviews



As far as career coaches go, I’m pretty unconventional. As in, I don’t care much about the things that “career experts” usually tend to obsess about. I’m not interested in helping you write the perfect résumé or the most professional-sounding cover letter. (I’d much prefer that you reveal your humanity and personality throughout all phases of the application process, rather than sound like a highly skilled robot.) I don’t believe in “best practices” when it comes to job searching. (I don’t care what worked for someone else. I care what’s going to work — and feel good along the way — to YOU.) I have zero interest in writing “listicles” about “The 5 smartest job search strategies” or “7 interview tips you NEED to know.” (Yawn … aren’t there enough of those online already? I’m not here to add to the overwhelm.) But there is one aspect of traditional career advice that I can fully get on board with: the informational interview. Although I may not like them for the reasons you think… In this week’s blog I (Kristen