Clarity On Fire

Side Chat: How to figure out what to do with your life



Can we all be super honest with ourselves about what we secretly wish would happen? Namely, that the heavens would part and the answers to all of life’s biggest questions (particularly, “What am I supposed to be doing?” and “Where do I go from here?” and “What’s my passion?”) would fall into your outstretched hands. Don’t feel bad. We STILL wish that was the way life worked. On this episode of the Clarity on Fire podcast, we had a side chat about how to figure out what do with your life, particularly when you feel stuck and unclear and confused. We covered: Why we’re all so obsessed with figuring out our passion (even though that’s not the best focal point), and what’s a better starting point than “passion.” Why we don’t actually need a linear, logical career progression. How to warm up to the idea of your next move being for now, instead of forever. Why the most interesting people on Earth never really had a plan, and how to embrace life’s uncertainty. How to tell if you’re a “hummingbird” or a “jackhammer”