Clarity On Fire

Blog: Are YOU the reason you’re stuck? Or is your job to blame?



I’m 22 and sitting in one of many orientation sessions for my first full-time job out of college. The training instructor, a really nice guy who I’ll refer to as Marty, was having us watch a video about coming to work with a positive, can-do attitude. The video was about people who tossed fish for a living. And weirdly, it wasn’t the first time I’d seen it. I remember watching it in my high school English class when I was a freshman, too. In short, it’s about the hardworking people employed at the famous Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle. Their job is cold, wet, long, and not to mention, smelly. It’s also a job done in front of an audience, given the hundreds of tourists who pass through every day. There’s every reason that you’d have a less-than-stellar attitude about a fish-hauling job, but that’s the point of this video — they don’t. They’re all happy and cheerful, and they’ve created a fun spectacle of tossing fish from place to place as they work. The way they do their job has become part of the attracti